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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


Which of the following statement is incorrect in reference to 'Neutrality' in international politics?

A- Neutrality refers principally to a policy of staying out of war.

B- States practising neutrality help to end a war.

C- Non-alignment is synonymous with neutrality.

D- Non-aligned states, including India, were actually involved in wars for various reasons.

E- Non-aligned countries worked to prevent war between others and tried to end wars that had broken out.


A and E

A and B

B and C

D and E

Correct Answer:

B and C


The correct answer is Option 3 - B and C

The following statements are incorrect:

  • Statement B suggests that states practicing neutrality help to end a war. This is incorrect. While neutral states may play a role in mediating conflicts or facilitating peace negotiations, the primary goal of neutrality is to refrain from participating in the conflict rather than actively working to end it. Further, 
  • Statement C implies that non-alignment is synonymous with neutrality. This is also incorrect. However, non-alignment and neutrality are related concepts but not interchangeable. Non-alignment refers to a foreign policy approach adopted by certain countries, particularly during the Cold War, to remain unaligned with any major power blocs. Neutrality, on the other hand, specifically pertains to a state's policy of staying out of wars or conflicts. While some non-aligned countries may also practice neutrality, not all neutral countries are necessarily non-aligned.

Statements A, D and E are correct.

  • Statement A: Neutrality refers principally to a policy of staying out of war. This statement is generally correct. Neutrality indeed involves a policy of non-participation in conflicts or wars.
  • Statement D- Non-aligned states, including India, were actually involved in wars for various reasons. This statement is also correct. Despite their non-aligned status, some countries, including India, have been involved in wars or military conflicts due to various geopolitical factors or regional tensions.
  • Statement E: Non-aligned countries worked to prevent war between others and tried to end wars that had broken out. This statement is generally true. Non-aligned countries often advocate for peaceful resolutions to conflicts and may engage in diplomatic efforts to prevent war or mitigate its effects.

"Non-alignment is also not neutrality. Neutrality refers principally to a policy of staying out of war (Statement A). States practising neutrality are not required to help end a war. They do not get involved in wars and do not take any position on the appropriateness or morality of a war. Non-aligned states, including India, were actually involved in wars for various reasons (Statement D). They also worked to prevent war between others and tried to end wars that had broken out (Statement E)."