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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: US Hegemony in World Politics


Which of the following statements is correct?

A- The word hegemony implies the leadership or predominance of one state and was originally used to denote the preponderant position of Sparta vis-à-vis the other city-states of ancient Greece.

B- The first meaning of hegemony relates to the relations, patterns and balances of military capability between states.


Only Statement A is correct.

Only Statement B is correct.

Both Statements are correct.

Both Statements are incorrect.

Correct Answer:

Only Statement B is correct.


The correct answer is Option 2  - Only Statement B is correct.

Correct Statement a: The word hegemony implies the leadership or predominance of one state and was originally used to denote the preponderant position of ATHENS not Sparta

The roots of the word hegemony lie in classical Greek. The word implies the leadership or predominance of one state and was originally used to denote the preponderant position of Athens vis-à-vis the other city-states of ancient Greece. Thus, the first meaning of hegemony relates to the relations, patterns and balances of military capability between states. It is this notion of hegemony as military preponderance that is especially germane to the current position and role of the US in world politics.