Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the correct indirect form of the sentence.

I said, ‘I’m not very happy at work.'


I told her that I was not very happy at work.

I told her I would not be very happy at work.

I told her that I had not been very happy at work.

I told her I am not very happy at work

Correct Answer:

I told her that I was not very happy at work.


The correct indirect form of the sentence "I said, 'I'm not very happy at work.'" is I told her that I was not very happy at work.

The other options are incorrect:

  • I told her I would not be very happy at work. This is incorrect because the tense of the reported speech should be the past tense, not the future tense.
  • I told her that I had not been very happy at work. This is incorrect because the speaker is talking about their current state of happiness at work, not their past state of happiness at work.
  • I told her I am not very happy at work. This is incorrect because the speaker is reporting what they said in the past, not what they are saying now.