Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Question Tags


Choose the correct Question Tag:

You went to the market yesterday, ______?


did you

didn't you

isn't you

doesn't you

Correct Answer:

didn't you


The correct answer is Option (2) → didn't you

  • Question tags are short questions added to the end of a statement to turn it into a confirmation question.
  • The question tag uses the auxiliary verb (or a form of "be") from the main clause, negated if the main clause is positive, and vice versa.
  • In the sentence "You went to the market yesterday," the main clause is positive ("went").
  • Therefore, the question tag should use the auxiliary verb "did" in its negative form, which is "didn't."

The other options are incorrect because:

  • isn't you - This uses the wrong form of "be" (be + not) and an incorrect pronoun ("you" should be "it" in this case).
  • doesn't you - This also uses the wrong form of "be" and an incorrect pronoun.