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Target Exam





Inorganic: P Block Elements


Match list I with list II

List I List II
A. Ammonia I. Ostwald's process
B. Chlorine II. Contact process
C. Sulphuric acid III. Deacon process
D. Nitiric acid IV. Haber's process

Choose the correct answer from the options  given below






Correct Answer:



Habers Proces:

The Haber Process is used in the manufacturing of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen and then goes on to explain the reasons for the conditions used in the process. The process combines nitrogen from the air with hydrogen derived mainly from natural gas (methane) into ammonia. The reaction is reversible and the production of ammonia is exothermic.

\( N_2(g)+3H_2(g) ⇌ 2NH_3(g)\)

with ΔH=−92.4kJ/mol

A flow scheme for the Haber Process looks like this:

Deacons Process :

In 1868, Deacon developed a process by which chlorine is produced by the oxidation of gaseous HCl with O2 in the presence of a CuCl2 catalyst. The chemical equation for this process is given below:

\(HCl(g) + \frac{1}{4}O_2 \overset{CuCl_2, 723K}{——————→} \frac{1}{2}H_2O(g) + \frac{1}{2}Cl_2(g).

This is an overall exothermic process and also fast. The process consists of two-step:

A chloridizing step in which the HCl is contacted with the catalyst at the elevated temperature. In this step, there is a conversion of transition metal oxide to transition metal chloride with the elimination of water.

An oxidation step in which the transition metal chloride formed in step 1 is contacted with the source of oxygen. And there is an evolution of chlorine gas and transition metal chloride is reconverted to transition metal oxide.

Several problems are associated with Deacon’s process. The temperature of the process reduces the equilibrium constant for the conversion of the HCl thereby reducing the yield. And also at elevated temperatures above 675K, the catalyst’s activity rapidly decreases, due to the volatilization of the \(CuCl_2\).

Contact Process:

The Contact Process is used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid. These Modules explain the reasons for the conditions used in the process by considering the effect of proportions, temperature, pressure, and catalyst on the composition of the equilibrium mixture, the rate of the reaction, and the economics of the process. The Contact Process:

Step 1: Make sulfur dioxide

Step 2: Convert sulfur dioxide into sulfur trioxide (the reversible reaction at the heart of the process)

Step 3: Convert sulfur trioxide into concentrated sulfuric acid

Ostwald's Process :

Nitric acid is most commonly manufactured from Ostwald’s process.

Ostwald’s process is a chemical process to convert ammonia into nitric acid in two stages.

In stage1 ammonia is oxidized to form nitric oxide and nitric dioxide and in the second step the nitrogen dioxide is allowed to dissolve in water and finally nitric acid is formed.

The reactions involved are:

\(4NH_3 + O_2 → 4NO + 6H_2O\)

\(2NO + O_2 → 2NO_2\)

\(3NO_2 + H_2O → 2HNO_3 + NO\)

As we can see in the above reactions that first ammonia is converted into nitric oxide and then further with the help of oxygen it is converted into nitric dioxide. The next step involves addition of water in nitric dioxide which finally results in nitric acid.

The catalyst used in this reaction is platinum.

Overall reaction is exothermic.

The Ostwald’s process is considered an important chemical process because it provides a key ingredient for many fertilizers and fertilizer plants.