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General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following were NOT a part of a citadel in Harrapan architecture?


Storehouses for grains

Great Bath for important people

Fire altars for religious ceremonies

Residential buildings for masses

Correct Answer:

Residential buildings for masses


The correct answer is Option 4- Residential buildings for masses

The citadel was a fortified area of a Harappan city, typically located on a high mound. It was home to the most important buildings and institutions in the city, such as the palace, the temple, and the administrative buildings. The citadel was also a place of refuge in times of war or natural disaster.

Storehouses for grains, a Great Bath, and fire altars for religious ceremonies were all important parts of the citadel. However, residential buildings for the masses were located in the lower town, outside of the citadel walls.

The lower town was where most of the people of a Harappan city lived. It was a bustling area with shops, markets, and workshops. The lower town was also home to a variety of public buildings, such as schools and hospitals.

The separation of the citadel and the lower town is one of the most distinctive features of Harappan urban planning. It suggests that Harappan society was highly stratified, with a clear distinction between the ruling elite and the common people.