Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The table below gives the numbers of sn1dents from five different colleges who participated in the Olympiads of five different subjects during a given year.

Subjects College A College B College C College D College E
Hindi 110 100 125 103 112
English 98 120 80 122 105
Maths 130 110 250 160 180
Science 100 100 150 200 80
GK 182 200 120 130 183

Which college had the maximum aggregate number of pruticipru1ts in all the five different subject Olympiads taken together during that year?


College D

College B

College E

College C

Correct Answer:

College C


Lets solve one by one for each option.

1. college D

Total students in college D = 103 + 122 + 160 + 200 + 130 = 715

2. college B

Total students in college B = 100 + 120 + 110 + 100 + 200 = 630

3. College E

Total students in college E = 112 + 105 + 180 + 80 + 183 = 660

4. College C

Total students in college C = 125 + 80 + 250 + 150 + 120 = 725

So , Number of students are maximum in college C.