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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Open Economy Macro Economics


Which of the following is not a component of capital account ?


External borrowing

Foreign Institutional Investment


Consists of Gifts, Remittances and Grants

Correct Answer:

Consists of Gifts, Remittances and Grants


The correct answer is option (4) : Consists of Gifts, Remittances and Grants

Gifts, Remittances and Grants are components of current account.

Capital Account records all international transactions of assets. An asset is any one of the forms in which wealth can be held, for example: money, stocks, bonds, Government debt, etc. Purchase of assets is a debit item on the capital account. If an Indian buys a UK Car Company, it enters capital account transactions as a debit item (as foreign exchange is flowing out of India). On the other hand, sale of assets like sale of share of an Indian company to a Chinese customer is a credit item on the capital account. Fig. 6.2 classifies the items which are a part of capital account transactions. These items are Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), Foreign Institutional Investments (FIIs), external borrowings and assistance.