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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

To be all ears


To be inquisitive and curious

To have extra-large ears

To be ready and eager to listen

To be impatient about something

Correct Answer:

To be ready and eager to listen


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "to be all ears" is to be ready and eager to listen.

The idiom is used to describe someone who is very interested in hearing something and is paying close attention. For example, you might say "I'm all ears" to a friend who is about to tell you a secret, or to a teacher who is about to explain a new concept.

The other options are not as accurate descriptions of the idiom.

  • To be inquisitive and curious is similar to being ready and eager to listen, but it suggests a more active interest in learning new things.
  • To have extra-large ears is not a literal description of the idiom, and it does not accurately convey the meaning of being ready and eager to listen.
  • To be impatient about something suggests that someone is eager to move on to something else, which is not the same as being ready and eager to listen.