Practicing Success

Target Exam





Enterprise growth Strategies


Match List-I with List-II.

List – I


List - II (Concept/Term)

(a) An arrangement where the manufacturer gives exclusive rights to retailers for a payment

(i) Franchisee agreement

(b) Legal document that binds the franchisor and franchisee

(ii) Franchisee

(c) Person offering the franchise

(iii) Franchising

(d) Person taking the franchise

(iv) Franchisor

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(a) - (i), (b) - (iv), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iii)

(a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iii), (d) - (iv)

(a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (ii)

(a) - (iv), (b) - (iii), (c) - (ii), (d) - (i)

Correct Answer:

(a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (ii)


Franchising is as "an arrangement whereby the manufacturer or sole distributor of a trademarked product or service gives exclusive rights of local distribution to independent retailers in return for their payment of royalties and conformance to standardized operating procedures".

The person offering the franchise is known as the franchisor.

The franchisee is the person who purchases the franchise and is given the opportunity to enter a new business with a better chance to success than if he or she were to start a new business from scratch. Foundation of this relationship is the Franchise Agreement.

A franchise agreement is the legal document that binds the franchisor and franchisee together. This document explains what the franchisor expects from the franchisee in running the business. The agreement is designed to assure that all of the franchisees within an organization are treated equitably. The expectations must be uniform throughout the system.