Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


How would you arrange the events mentioned below in correct order to explain the concept of cognitive dissonance and bring cognitive consistency?

A. Smoking causes oral cancer which is fatal.
B. He is a chain smoker.
C. Dissonance in the attitude towards smoking.
D. In order to reduce or remove the dissonance he will try to quit smoking.
E. This would be the healthy and sensible way of attaining consonance.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, E, D, C

B, C, D, E, A

A, B, D, C, E

A, B, C, D, E

Correct Answer:

A, B, C, D, E


The statement "Smoking causes oral cancer which is fatal" (A) provides the individual with information that contradicts their behavior of being a chain smoker (B). This discrepancy creates cognitive dissonance, which is a state of discomfort caused by holding two or more conflicting beliefs or attitudes (C). In this case, the dissonance is between the individual's belief that smoking is harmful and their behavior of continuing to smoke.

To reduce or eliminate the dissonance, the individual may try to change their behavior (D), such as by quitting smoking. This would be the healthy and sensible way of attaining consonance, which is a state of mental harmony that occurs when there is no contradiction between one's beliefs and behaviors (E).

Thus, A, B, C, D and E is the correct sequence of events.