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Legal Studies




How is the concept of judicial review practiced in the United Kingdom?


Judicial Review allow the court to invalidate or nullify the law or act of legislature or the executive.

Judicial Review allows the court to give suggestive changes only if any action or law is found contrary to the Constitution.

Judicial Review does not allow the court to nullify or invalidate the legislation of the Parliament

Judicial review allows the parliament to amend any law in question as it is contrary to the Constitution.

Correct Answer:

Judicial Review does not allow the court to nullify or invalidate the legislation of the Parliament


Judicial review is a principle or a legal doctrine or a practice whereby a court can examine or review an executive or a legislative act, such as law or some other governmental or administrative decision, and determine if the act is incompatible with the constitution. In some countries, like the United States, France and Canada, judicial review allows the court to invalidate or nullify the law or the act of the legislature or the executive if they are found to be contrary to the constitution. In the United Kingdom, judicial review powers are restricted; the courts do not have authority to nullify or invalidate legislation of the Parliament. Likewise, there may be other countries where courts may have different kind of restrictions and may review only one branch.