Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounts for Non Profit Organsiation


VIJAYA SHANKAR, an Ex-Indian cricketer decided to start a cricket academy to train the young enthusiastic players of down south. With the support and guidance of his family he started the Star cricket academy at Tirunelveli township area on 1st April 2020.
Land was donated by his grandfather worth ₹. 10,00,000 as per his will. His father Shankar donated ₹5,00,000 for the construction and running the academy. He spent ₹3,00,000 for construction of the pavilion. 200 players of Tirunelveli joined the academy and they paid yearly subscription of ₹1200 each. 10 players paid in advance for the next year 2021 -22. Vijayashankar appointed well experienced coach for them, the coach fee amounted to ₹1,20,000 p.a.
The maintenance expenses amounted to ₹75,000. Bats and balls purchased during the year amounted to ₹.15,000. Closing stock of bats and ball amount to ₹1000.
Based on the above information you are required to answer the following question.
The liability towards advance subscription amounted to:






Correct Answer:


