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Modern Histoy


Which British Prime minister sent Cripps Mission to India?


William Cripps

Shidney Hume

Clement Atlee

Winston Churchill

Correct Answer:

Winston Churchill


The correct answer is Option 4 - Winston Churchill

The British Prime Minister who sent the Cripps Mission to India was Winston Churchill.
The Cripps Mission was sent to India in 1942 in an attempt to secure India's support for the British war effort in World War II. The mission was headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, a senior member of Churchill's war cabinet.

The Cripps Mission offered India dominion status after the war, but it also included a number of conditions that were unacceptable to the Indian National Congress. The Congress rejected the Cripps proposals, and the mission was ultimately unsuccessful.

The Cripps Mission was a significant event in Indian history, as it marked the first time that the British government had officially offered India dominion status. However, the mission's failure also showed that the British were not yet prepared to grant India full independence.