Target Exam





Financial Statements - II


What are the outstanding expenses?


Expenses of an accounting period fully paid

Expenses of an accounting period remain unpaid

Expenses of an accounting period paid at discount

Expenses of an accounting period are treated bad debts

Correct Answer:

Expenses of an accounting period remain unpaid


The correct answer is option 2- Expenses of an accounting period remain unpaid.

It is quite common for a business enterprise to have some unpaid expenses in the normal course of business operations at the end of an accounting year. Such items usually are wages, salaries, interest on loan, etc. When expenses of an accounting period remain unpaid at the end of an accounting period, they are termed as outstanding expenses. As they relate to the earning of revenue during the current accounting year, it is logical that they should be duly charged against revenue for computation of the correct amount of profit or loss. The entry to bring such expenses into account is : Concerned expense A/c Dr. To Outstanding expense A/c.

The above entry opens a new account called Outstanding Expenses which is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet. The amount of outstanding expenses is added to the total of expenses under a particular head for the purpose of preparing trading and profit and loss account.