Practicing Success

Target Exam





Presentation of Data


Which of the following type of bar diagram will be useful in presenting data of sales proceeds from different products?


Simple Bar Diagram

Multiple Bar Diagram

Component Bar Diagram

Pie Diagram

Correct Answer:

Component Bar Diagram


The correct answer is Option 3: Component Bar Diagram

Component Bar Diagram Component bar diagrams or charts , also called sub-diagrams, are very useful in comparing the sizes of different component parts (the elements or parts which a thing is made up of) and also for throwing light on the relationship among these integral parts. For example, sales proceeds from different products, expenditure pattern in a typical Indian family (components being food, rent, medicine, education, power, etc.), budget outlay for receipts and expenditures, components of labour force, population etc. Component bar diagrams are usually shaded or coloured suitably.

Note: Pie Diagram is not a bar diagram.