Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies



Which of the following is not an assumption of Maslow’s theory?
People’s behaviour is not based on their needs.
Satisfaction of such needs influences their behaviour
A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person; only next higher level need can motivate him.
A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is satisfied.
Correct Answer:
People’s behaviour is not based on their needs.
Maslow’s theory is based on the following assumptions:
(i) People’s behaviour is based on their needs. Satisfaction of such needs influences their behaviour.
(ii) People’s needs are in hierarchical order, starting from basic needs to other higher level needs.
(iii) A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person; only next higher level need can motivate him.
(iv) A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is satisfied.