Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Services

Which of the following is/are the function (s) of State Legal Authority?
Give legal service to persons who satisfy the criteria laid down under the Act
Conduct Lok Adalats, including Lok Adalats for High Court cases
Undertake preventive and strategic legal aid programmes
all or any of the above functions
Correct Answer:
all or any of the above functions
It shall be the duty of the State Authority to give effect of the policy and directions of the Central Authority. Without prejudice to the generality of the functions referred to in sub-section (1), the State Authority shall perform all or any of the following functions, namely-
a) Give legal service to persons who satisfy the criteria laid down under this Act.
b) Conduct Lok Adalats, including Lok Adalates for High Court cases,
c) Undertake preventive and strategic legal aid programmes; and
d) Perform such other functions as the State Authority may in consultation with the Central Authority, fix by regulations.