Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?


Pandit Birju Maharaj - Kathak

Kelucharan Mohapatra − Odissi

Guru Bipin Singh - Kuchipudi

Uday Shankar - Fusion

Correct Answer:

Guru Bipin Singh - Kuchipudi


The correct answer is Option (3) - Guru Bipin Singh - Kuchipudi

The pair that is NOT correctly matched is Guru Bipin Singh - Kuchipudi.

Guru Bipin Singh is not associated with Kuchipudi; he is renowned for his contributions to Manipuri classical dance. Manipuri dance is a traditional dance form originating from the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, known for its graceful movements, intricate footwork, and vibrant costumes. Guru Bipin Singh's expertise and artistic innovation in Manipuri dance have earned him recognition as a prominent figure in Indian classical dance.