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Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Arrange the following travellers according to the chronology of their visit to India:

A. Duarte Barbosa
B. Peter Mundy
C. Marco Polo
D. Al-Biruni
E. Abd-al Razzaq Samarqandi

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, C, E, D, B

D, C, E, A, B

E, D, C, A, B

A, B, D, E, C

Correct Answer:

D, C, E, A, B


The correct answer is Option (2) → D, C, E, A, B

D. Al-Biruni
C. Marco Polo
E. Abd-al Razzaq Samarqandi
A. Duarte Barbosa
B. Peter Mundy


D- 973-1048 : Al-Biruni was a Persian scholar who visited India in the 11th century. His major work, "Kitab al-Hind," provides valuable insights into Indian culture, science, and geography during that period.

C- 1254-1323 : Marco Polo an Italian explorer, visited India in the late 13th century. His travelogue, "The Travels of Marco Polo," provides an account of his experiences in various regions, including India.

E- 1413-82 : Abd Al-Razzaq Samarqandi visited India in the fourteenth century.

A- 1518 (visit to India): Duarte Barbosa from Portugal visited India in the early 16th century.

B- 1600-67 : Peter Mundy, an Englishman, visited India in the early 17th century.