Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Read the passage below and answer the questions as instructed:-

A driver in the army went through an experience that transformed his life. On one mission, he narrowly escaped death although all his companions got killed. Wondering about the purpose of his life he gave up his job in the army, returned to the native village in Maharashtra and worked actively as a community leader. His strong positive attitude towards community upliftinent and his efforts completely changed the face of his village for which he was awarded by the State government.

After narrowly escaping from death and seeing his companion dead, the driver’s life changed. His experience played a significant role in shaping his _______.




Impression formation


Correct Answer:



After narrowly escaping from death and witnessing the death of his companions, the driver's life changed, and his experience played a significant role in shaping his "Attitude." Attitude refers to a person's evaluation or expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event. In this case, the driver developed a strong positive attitude towards community upliftment, leading him to give up his job in the army and become actively involved as a community leader.

Temperament refers to a person's innate tendencies or dispositions. It is a relatively stable and unchanging aspect of personality. Impression formation refers to the process of forming an impression of another person. It is based on the information that we receive about that person, such as their appearance, behavior, and speech. Attribution refers to the process of explaining why people behave the way they do. It is based on our understanding of their intentions, motivations, and circumstances.

Therefore, the most likely aspect of the driver's life that was significantly influenced by his experience is his attitude.