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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Third battle of Panipat was fought between which of the following?


Akbar and Marathas

Marathas and Afghans

Akbar and Afghans

Babur and Afghans

Correct Answer:

Marathas and Afghans


The correct answer is Option 2- Marathas and Afghans

The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between the Marathas and the Afghans in 1761.

The Marathas were a confederacy of Hindu warriors who had risen to prominence in the 18th century. They had conquered a large part of India, and they were now threatening to invade the Mughal Empire.

The Afghans were a Muslim warrior tribe from Central Asia. They had invaded India many times in the past, and they were now led by the powerful Afghan ruler, Ahmad Shah Durrani.

The Third Battle of Panipat was a decisive victory for the Afghans. The Marathas were heavily defeated, and many of their leaders were killed. The defeat at Panipat marked the end of the Maratha expansion, and it also helped to pave the way for the decline of the Mughal Empire.