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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Environment and Sustainable Development


Arrange the following in sequence to show how supply-demand reversal of environment resources happen:

  1. The demand for resources for both production and consumption went beyond the rate of regeneration of resources.
  2. Before industrialisation and increase in population, demand for environmental resource was less than their supply
  3. There was reversal of supply demand relationship
  4. Industrial Revolution and population explosion took place

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, C, D

B, D, A, C

C, B, D, A

B, C, D, A

Correct Answer:

B, D, A, C


In the early days when civilisation just began, or before this phenomenal increase in population, and before countries took to industrialisation, the demand for environmental resources and services was much less than their supply. This meant that pollution was within the absorptive capacity of the environment and the rate of resource extraction was less than the rate of regeneration of these resources. Hence environmental problems did not arise. But with population explosion and with the advent of industrial revolution to meet the growing needs of the expanding population, things changed. The result was that the demand for resources for both production and consumption went beyond the rate of regeneration of the resources; the pressure on the absorptive capacity of the environment increased tremendously — this trend continues even today. Thus what has happened is a reversal of supply-demand relationship for environmental quality — we are now faced with increased demand for environmental resources and services but their supply is limited due to overuse and misuse.