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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Match List- I with List- II

List- I

List- II

(A) Morarj Desai

(I) The Prime Minister of India from July 1979 to January 1980

(B) Jagjivan Ram

(II) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

(C) Chaudhary Charan Singh

(III) The Deputy Prime Minister from 1967-69

(D) J.C. Shah

(IV) The Deputy Prime Minister of India from 1977-79

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
2. A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
3. A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
4. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III






Correct Answer:



Morarji Desai (1896-1995) was a prominent figure in the Indian freedom struggle, known for his dedication to Gandhian principles. He was a strong advocate of Khadi, naturopathy, and prohibition. Morarji Desai served as the Chief Minister of Bombay State and later as Deputy Prime Minister from 1967 to 1969.

Jagjivan Ram (1908–1986) was a prominent figure in Indian history, known for his multifaceted roles and accomplishments. He was a Member of Parliament from 1952 until his passing, demonstrating his enduring commitment to public service. Notably, he served as the Labor Minister in independent India's first government, addressing labor issues and championing workers' rights. His political journey was marked by various ministerial roles from 1952 to 1977, reflecting his versatile leadership. He held the prestigious position of Deputy Prime Minister of India from 1977 to 1979, showcasing his remarkable leadership capabilities.

Chaudhary Charan Singh (1902-1987) was a prominent figure in Indian politics. He served as the Prime Minister of India from July 1979 to January 1980. He had a notable history as a freedom fighter and was actively involved in the politics of Uttar Pradesh. Charan Singh was a strong advocate for rural and agricultural development.

In May 1977, the Janata Party government appointed a Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice J.C. Shah, retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, to inquire “into several aspects of allegations of abuse of authority, excesses and malpractices committed and action taken in the wake of the Emergency proclaimed on the 25th June, 1975”.