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Target Exam



Political Science




What connection does Aung San Suu Kyi see between her personal freedom and the freedom of her people?


She sees her personal freedom as intertwined with the freedom of her people.

She sees no connection between personal freedom and the freedom of her people.

She believes her personal freedom is more important than the freedom of her people.

She believes her personal freedom is unrelated to the freedom of her people.

Correct Answer:

She sees her personal freedom as intertwined with the freedom of her people.


The correct answer is Option 1 - She sees her personal freedom as intertwined with the freedom of her people.

Gandhiji’s thoughts on non-violence have been a source of inspiration for Aung San Suu Kyi as she remained under house arrest in Myanmar, separated from her children, unable to visit her husband when he was dying of cancer, because she feared that if she left Myanmar to visit him in England she would not be able to return. Aung San Suu Kyi saw her freedom as connected to the freedom of her people. Her book of essays bears the title Freedom from Fear. She says, “for me real freedom is freedom from fear and unless you can live free from fear you cannot live a dignified human life”. These are deep thoughts that lead us to pause and consider their implications. We must not, her words suggest, be afraid of the opinions of other people, or of the attitude of authority, or of the reactions of the members of our community to the things we want to do, of the ridicule of our peers, or of speaking our mind. Yet we find that we often exhibit such fear. For Aung San Suu Kyi living a ‘dignified human life’ requires us to be able to overcome such fear.