Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Choose the most appropriate Exclamatory sentence for the following sentence -

These mangoes have a delicious flavour.


Why what delicious mangoes!

Wow! What a flavour of mangoes!

How delicious flavour of these mangoes!

What a delicious flavour these mangoes have!

Correct Answer:

What a delicious flavour these mangoes have!


The correct answer is Option (4) → What a delicious flavour these mangoes have!

Option (4) "What a delicious flavour these mangoes have!" effectively captures the essence of an exclamatory sentence by expressing admiration and surprise at the delicious flavor of the mangoes.

Let us break down the sentence:

"What a delicious flavour": This part of the sentence expresses surprise and admiration. "What a" is a common structure used in exclamatory sentences to convey intensity of feeling. "Delicious flavour" describes the quality of the mangoes that evokes admiration.

"these mangoes have": This part of the sentence simply states that the mangoes possess the described flavor.

Overall, the sentence effectively conveys the speaker's excitement and appreciation for the delicious flavor of the mangoes. It is structured as an exclamatory sentence, making it the most appropriate choice among the options provided.