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Target Exam





Indian Society: Introducing Indian Society


Choose a correct statement.


Sociology has the solutions for all the problems.

Sociology can help you to address a problem without bias.

Sociology is just an auxiliary to policymaking.

It is better to study history than sociology.

Correct Answer:

Sociology can help you to address a problem without bias.


The correct statement is: Option 2: "Sociology can help you to address a problem without bias."

Explanation: Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior within it. While sociology can provide insights into various social issues and help in understanding and addressing problems, it doesn't necessarily have solutions for all problems. Sociology encourages critical thinking and examining social issues from various perspectives which can help individuals approach problems from different perspectives and with reduced bias, making option 2 the most accurate statement.

Option 1: Sociology doesn't claim to have all the solutions. It studies social structures and processes, but it doesn't provide one-size-fits-all answers.

Option 3: Sociology is just an auxiliary to policymaking. This statement is not accurate because sociology plays a significant role in informing policymaking processes. Sociology provides valuable insights into social phenomena, patterns, and dynamics within societies. Policymakers often rely on sociological research and analysis to understand the root causes of social issues, assess the potential impact of policies, and develop effective solutions. While sociology may not be the sole determinant of policymaking decisions, it serves as a crucial auxiliary or supporting discipline. Therefore, the word "just" in option 3 diminishes the importance of sociology in policymaking, making the statement incorrect.

Option 4: Both history and sociology are valuable subjects. History provides context, and sociology helps understand social structures. They complement each other.