Practicing Success

Target Exam





Psychological Disorders


Which of the following statements are TRUE for depression?
A. Men are at risk during young adulthood, while for women the risk is highest in early middle age.
B. Genetic makeup plays no role in depression.
C. Depression leads to a feeling of excessive guilt.
D. Lack of social support can lead to depression.
E. Women are more likely to report a depressive disorder.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C, D, E only

A, B, E only

A, D, B only

B, C, D only

Correct Answer:

C, D, E only


Factors Predisposing towards Depression : Genetic make-up, or heredity is an important risk factor for major depression and other depressive disorders. Age is also a risk factor. For instance, women are particularly at risk during young adulthood, while for men the risk is highest in early middle age. Similarly gender also plays a great role in this differential risk addition. For example, women in comparison to men are more likely to report a depressive disorder. Other risk factors are experiencing negative life events and lack of social support.