Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

My cousin said to her friends, "please have lunch with us tomorrow at 8 pm. "


My cousin requested her her friends to had lunch with her tommorow at 8 pm.

My cousin requested her her friends to have lunch with her the tommorow.

My cousin requests her friends to have lunch with her the next day at 8 pm.

My cousin requested her friends to have lunch with her the next day at 8 pm.

Correct Answer:

My cousin requested her friends to have lunch with her the next day at 8 pm.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

My cousin requested her friends to have lunch with her the next day at 8 pm.

The other options are incorrect for the following reasons:

  • My cousin requested her her friends to had lunch with her tommorow at 8 pm. - The word "her" is repeated unnecessarily. The verb "had" should also be changed to "have".
  • My cousin requested her her friends to have lunch with her the tommorow. - The word "the" is repeated unnecessarily.
  • My cousin requests her friends to have lunch with her the next day at 8 pm. - The present tense verb "requests" is not appropriate in indirect speech, as the speaker is reporting what was said in the past.