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Target Exam







Pick out the synonym of the underlined word.

After he came back from his evening walk, he felt famished:

(A) lonely
(B) hungry
(C) satisfied
(D) curious

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) → (B)

The underlined word in the sentence is "famished." "Famished" is an adjective that describes an extreme feeling of hunger, often to the point of starvation. When someone is famished, they feel very weak and depleted due to lack of food.

(A) lonely: Lonely means feeling isolated or lacking companionship. It is not a synonym of "famished" because it doesn't relate to hunger or starvation.

(B) hungry: Hungry is the correct synonym of "famished." It refers to the feeling of needing or wanting to eat food, which aligns with the meaning of "famished."

(C) satisfied: Satisfied means feeling content or fulfilled, usually after having one's needs met. It is the opposite of hungry or famished, so it is not a synonym in this context.

(D) curious: Curious means having a strong desire to know or learn something. It is unrelated to hunger or feeling famished.

Based on the meanings of the words and their context in the sentence, the correct synonym of "famished" is (B) hungry.