Practicing Success

Target Exam





Morphology of Flowering Plants


Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement about dicotyledonous seed.


 Above the hilum is a small pore called the micropyle.

Within the seed coat is the embryo, consisting of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons.

In castor, the endosperm formed as a food storing tissue is pre-fertilisation structure.

 At the two ends of embryonal axis are present the radicle and plumule.

Correct Answer:

In castor, the endosperm formed as a food storing tissue is pre-fertilisation structure.


The correct answer is Option (3) -In castor, the endosperm formed as a food storing tissue is pre-fertilisation structure.

Structure of a Dicotyledonous Seed  : The outermost covering of a seed is the seed coat. The seed coat has two layers, the outer testa and the inner tegmen.

The hilum is a scar on the seed coat through which the developing seeds were attached to the fruit.

Above the hilum is a small pore called the micropyle. Within the seed coat is the embryo, consisting of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons.

The cotyledons are often fleshy and full of reserve food materials. At the two ends of the embryonal axis are present the radicle and the plumule.

In some seeds such as castor the endosperm formed as a result of double fertilisation, is a food storing tissue and called endospermic seeds.

In plants such as bean, gram and pea, the endosperm is not present in mature seeds and such seeds are called non-endospermous.