Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


A man leaves from P at 6 am and reaches Q at 2 pm on the same day. Another man leaves Q at 8 am and reaches at 3 pm on the same day. At what time do they meet?


11:46 am

11:24 am

10:48 am

11:00 am

Correct Answer:

10:48 am


Time taken by first man to cover journey is 2 PM to 6 AM = 8 hours

Time taken by another man to cover journey is 3 PM to 8 AM = 7 hours

Let total distance from P to Q be 56R km (LCM of 8 & 7)

Speed of first man = 7R km/hr

 Speed of second man = 8R km/hr

 Distance covered by first man in 2 hours = 14R km

 Remaining distance = 56R – 14R = 42R km

 Time taken to meet each other = \(\frac{42R }{7R + 8R }\) =\(\frac{42 }{15 }\) hrs

= 2 hrs 48 min

So ,  Time of meeting = 8:00 + 2:48 = 10:48 AM