Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes

Groups function as organized systems of individuals who interact and rely on each other. They are characterized by mutual interdependence, common motives, and shared goals. Within a group, members perform specific roles and adhere to established norms that regulate their behavior. The functioning of groups involves collaboration, communication, and coordination among its members. Through these interactions, groups strive to satisfy their collective needs and achieve their objectives. The interplay of diverse perspectives, skills, and contributions within a group often leads to a positive synergy, enhancing problem-solving, decision-making, and overall performance. Effective functioning of groups relies on effective leadership, trust, cooperation, and a sense of belongingness among its members.

A group is a collection of interdependent individuals. What does this statement signify?


the individuals of the group share common motives and goals

the actions of one person can impact others

individuals of the group engage in direct or indirect interactions with each other.

the interactions between individuals are guided by a set of roles and norms.

Correct Answer:

the actions of one person can impact others


Groups exhibit several prominent characteristics:

  1. A social unit composed of two or more individuals who identify themselves as members of the group. This characteristic helps distinguish one group from another, establishing its unique identity.
  2. A gathering of individuals who share common motives and goals. Groups function by working towards a specific objective or collectively addressing threats faced by the group.
  3. A collection of interdependent individuals, meaning that the actions of one person can impact others. For example, if a fielder in a cricket team drops a crucial catch during a match, it will have consequences for the entire team.
  4. Individuals within the group strive to fulfill their needs through their collective association and mutually influence one another.
  5. A gathering of individuals who engage in direct or indirect interactions with each other.
  6. A collection of individuals whose interactions are guided by a set of roles and norms. This implies that group members consistently perform specific functions during group meetings and adhere to established group norms. Norms dictate the expected behaviors and guide appropriate conduct within the group.