Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality

As you may be aware, a significant portion of the global population still resides in forested and mountainous regions, relying primarily on hunting and gathering as their main livelihood. The Gonds community, native to Madhya Pradesh, exemplifies such a population. Living a nomadic lifestyle, the Gonds people continually move in small groups from one forest to another, seeking game and various forest resources such as fruits, roots, mushrooms, and honey. Within Gond society, children are granted considerable freedom from a young age to explore the forests and acquire skills related to hunting and gathering. The socialization practices of the community aim to foster independence in children, enabling them to undertake numerous tasks without relying on elders, develop autonomy in decision-making, and cultivate a drive for accomplishment, including embracing the risks and challenges associated with hunting, from an early stage of their lives.
In the cultural approach to personality, the rituals, ceremonies, and arts are means through which:
People's economic activities are determined
People express their genetic traits
People's personality gets projected in a culture
People's unconscious desires are revealed
Correct Answer:
People's personality gets projected in a culture
According to the cultural approach, rituals, ceremonies, religious practices, arts, and other cultural activities are the means through which people's personality gets projected in a culture. These practices reflect and shape individuals' behavioral qualities.