Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows by choosing the correct option :

Later that evening, Sacha suddenly became aware that her parents had appeared in the courtyard. Her initial shock was replaced in quick succession by shame, guilt and annoyance. Mrs. Wilkie hurled her luggage to the floor, and with eyes blazing drew back her shoulders in readiness for battle. In a thunderous voice she demanded to know, 'Who's in charge?

Why is there no-one at the reception ?' Her mother's laser eye soon pin-pointed Sacha, who was trying to shrink back into the shadows, and she launched herself across the space to demand, 'What on earth are you doing in a place like this ? I thought you were staying somewhere decent!' She wheeled around and commanded, 'You young people should be in bed! It's late.'

The events of the next two hours were a blur to Sacha. The room in that same hostel which her parents had booked from home over the internet was dirty, her mother caught the heel of her shoe in the threadbare carpet, and a pillow was brought down to reception held aloft between thumb and forefinger for fear of disease. Mrs. Wilkie was assured that the overwhelming smell of gas was normal, and was probably from a neighbouring establishment. She insisted that Sacha and Jed clear the kitchen sinks and take out the leaking rubbish bags, not realising that there were no tea towels and nowhere outside that was free of rats.

Finally, recognising that this sorry state of affairs could not be remedied, Mrs. Wilkie made Sacha pack her things and ordered a taxi to take them all to a luxury hotel. 'End of the gap year!' Thought Sacha, miserably.

During her visit, the mother found Sacha's room _________.


neat and clean

without bed and chairs

very dirty and unkempt


Correct Answer:

very dirty and unkempt


During her visit, the mother found Sacha's room: very dirty and unkempt.

Here's why:

  • The text repeatedly emphasizes the hostel's poor conditions throughout Mrs. Wilkie's visit.
  • Details like the "threadbare carpet," "overwhelming smell of gas," and "leaking rubbish bags" paint a picture of a dirty and neglected environment.
  • Sacha's mother reacts with disgust and disapproval, further suggesting the room is far from clean or well-maintained.