Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies



Nayan is the CEO of a reputed company. He introduced appropriate skill development program and a sound promotion policy for the employees of his company. To motivate and retain the best talent in the company, he designed the jobs of the managers to include greater variety of work content.
Identify two incentives introduced by Nayan to motivate employees of his company.
Job enrichment and job security
Job security and status
Career advancement opportunity and job enrichment
Career advancement opportunity and organizational climate
Correct Answer:
Career advancement opportunity and job enrichment
Career Advancement Opportunity: Every individual wants to grow to the higher level in the organisation. Managers should provide opportunity to employees to improve their skills and be promoted to the higher level jobs. Appropriate skill development programmes, and sound promotion policy will help employees to achieve promotions. Promotion works as a tonic and encourages employees to exhibit improved performance.
Job Enrichment: Job enrichment is concerned with designing jobs that include greater variety of work content, require higher level of knowledge and skill; give workers more autonomy and responsibility; and provide the opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience. If jobs are enriched and made interesting, the job itself becomes a source of motivation to the individual.