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Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


How do biosphere reserves differ from national parks and wildlife sanctuaries?



Biosphere reserves allow human beings to be an integral part of the ecosystem.

Biosphere reserves restrict human entry into protected areas.

Biosphere reserves focus more on preserving plants than animals.

Biosphere reserves preserve living organisms from all over the world for future generations.

Correct Answer:

Biosphere reserves allow human beings to be an integral part of the ecosystem.


(a) people are an integral part of the ecosystem

Biosphere reserves are designated areas that serve multiple purposes and are specifically aimed at preserving genetic diversity within various natural biomes and unique biological communities. These reserves are established to protect not only the wild populations of plants and animals but also the traditional lifestyles and practices of indigenous communities, including tribal populations. The conservation efforts in biosphere reserves encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from safeguarding the native flora and fauna to preserving domesticated plant and animal genetic resources.

Unlike some other protected areas like national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves allow for multiple uses of the land. This means that within biosphere reserves, sustainable human activities are also permitted. These activities may include controlled agriculture, sustainable forestry, scientific research, and eco-tourism, among others.

By integrating conservation efforts with human activities and traditional knowledge, biosphere reserves aim to strike a balance between ecological preservation and the well-being of local communities. This approach recognizes the interconnectedness between humans and the environment and emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmonious relationships between them. Overall, biosphere reserves play a vital role in conserving biodiversity while fostering the sustainable use of natural resources and promoting the coexistence of nature and society.