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Target Exam





Environmental Issues


What are the two major environmental issues of global nature ?


Desertification and urbanisation .

Waterlogging and soil salinity .

Soil erosion and desertification.

Global warming and ozone depletion .

Correct Answer:

Global warming and ozone depletion .


Increase in the level of greenhouse gases has led to considerable heating of Earth leading to global warming. During the past century, the temperature of Earth has increased by 0.6 oC, most of it during the last three decades. Scientists believe that this rise in temperature is leading to deleterious changes in the environment and resulting in odd climatic changes .

Although ozone depletion is occurring widely in the stratosphere, the depletion is particularly marked over the Antarctic region. This has resulted in formation of a large area of thinned ozone layer, commonly called as the ozone hole.