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Target Exam





Physical: Chemical Kinetics


According to the Arrhenius rate equation, rate constant \(k\) is equal to \(A.e^{-E_a/RT}\). Which of the following options represents the graph of \(ln k \) vs \(\frac{1}{T}\)?


Correct Answer:


The correct answer is option 1.

Most of the chemical reactions are accelerated by increase in temperature. It has been found that for a chemical reaction with rise in temperature by 10°, the rate constant is nearly doubled.     

The effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction and hence on the rate constant k, was proposed by Arrhenius (1889). The equation is called Arrhenius equation, is usually written in the form

\(k = Ae^{-E_a/RT}-------(1)\)


the pre-exponential factor, A is a constant and is called frequency factor (because it gives the frequency of binary collisions and the reacting molecules per second per litre),

Ea is the energy of activation,

R is gas constant

T is the absolute temperature

The two quantities ‘Ea’ and ‘A’ are together called Arrhenius parameters. The energy of activation (Ea) is an important quantity as it is characteristic of the reaction. Using the above equation its value can be calculated.

Taking logarithm on both sides of equation (i), we get

\(ln k = ln\left(Ae^{-E_a/RT}\right)\)

\(⇒ ln k = ln A + \left(e^{-E_a/RT}\right)\)

\(⇒ ln k = ln A + \left(\frac{-E_a}{RT}\right)\)

\(⇒ ln k = ln A - \left(\frac{E_a}{RT}\right) --------(2)\)

If the value of the rate constant at temperature T1 and T2 are k1 and k2 respectively, then we have

\(ln k_1 = ln A - \left(\frac{E_a}{RT_1}\right) --------(3)\)

\(\text{ & }ln k_2 = ln A - \left(\frac{E_a}{RT_2}\right) --------(4)\)

Subtracting equation (3) from equation (4), we get

\(lnk_2 - lnk_1 = -\frac{E_a}{RT_2} -\left(-\frac{E_a}{RT_1}\right)\)

\(⇒ lnk_2 - lnk_1 = \frac{E_a}{RT_1} - \frac{E_a}{RT_2}\)

\(⇒  ln\frac{k_2}{k_1}  = \frac{E_a}{RT_1} - \frac{E_a}{RT_2}\)

\(⇒  ln\frac{k_2}{k_1}  = \frac{E_a}{R}\left[\frac{1}{T_1} - \frac{1}{T_2}\right]\)

\(⇒  ln\frac{k_2}{k_1}  = \frac{E_a}{R}\left[\frac{T_2 - T_1}{T_1T_2}\right] -----(5)\)

Thus, knowing the values of rate constants k1 and k2 at two different temperatures T1 and T2, the value of Ea can be calculated. Alternatively, knowing the rate constant at any one temperature, its value at another temperature can be calculated provided the value of Ea is known for that reaction.

To test the validity of Arrhenius equation, let us consider equation (ii). It may be written as

\(ln k = -\frac{E_a}{RT} + ln A --------(6)\)

The equation (vii) is in the form , i.e., the equation of a straight line. Thus, if a plot of \(\text{ln k vs }\frac{1}{T}\) is a straight line, the validity of the equation is confirmed.