Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

Dr. Chanda said, “I will definitely write about this case in the medical journal.”


Dr. Chanda said that I will definitely write about this case in the medical journal.

Dr. Chanda said that she will definitely write about this case in the medical journal.

Dr. Chanda said that she would definitely write about that case in the medical journal.

Dr. Chanda said that she would definitely be writing about this case in the medical journal.

Correct Answer:

Dr. Chanda said that she would definitely write about that case in the medical journal.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is: Dr. Chanda said that she would definitely write about this case in the medical journal.

When changing a direct statement into indirect speech, we typically use "said that" to introduce the reported statement. Additionally, pronouns are changed to match the perspective of the speaker. In this case, "I" changes to "she" to match Dr. Chanda's perspective. Also, the future tense "will" changes to the past tense "would."

So, the correct option is: "Dr. Chanda said that she would definitely write about this case in the medical journal."