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Target Exam





Grammar: Question Tags


Choose the options that have a question tag:

(A) Isn't this my book?
(B) You liked that, didn't you?
(C) They are my friends.
(D) We visited Spain last year, didn't we?
(E) Shivani will not be joining us.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A), (B), (D)

(B), (C), (D)

(B), (D)

(C), (E)

Correct Answer:

(B), (D)


The correct answer is Option (3) → (B), (D)

A question tag is a short phrase added at the end of a statement to transform it into a question or to seek confirmation. It typically consists of an auxiliary verb and a pronoun that matches the subject of the statement.

Now, let's analyze each option:

(A) Isn't this my book? - This sentence is already a question. "Isn't" is the auxiliary verb, and "this" is the pronoun referring to the subject "this book." There's no additional question tag because the main part of the statement is already in question form.

(B) You liked that, didn't you? - This statement is affirmative ("You liked that") and is followed by the question tag "didn't you?". "Didn't" is the auxiliary verb, and "you" is the pronoun that matches the subject "you."

(C) They are my friends. - This statement is a simple assertion and doesn't have a question tag. There's no auxiliary verb at the end of the statement to form a question tag.

(D) We visited Spain last year, didn't we? - This statement is affirmative ("We visited Spain last year") and is followed by the question tag "didn't we?". "Didn't" is the auxiliary verb, and "we" is the pronoun that matches the subject "we."

(E) Shivani will not be joining us. - This statement is negative ("Shivani will not be joining us") and doesn't have a question tag. There's no auxiliary verb at the end of the statement to form a question tag.

So, the options that have a question tag are (B) and (D). These options fit the pattern of a statement followed by a question tag, where the auxiliary verb in the question tag contrasts with the main part of the statement.