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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is correct regarding the respiration?

I. Regular traditional breathing exercise (pranayama) can increase the capacity of lungs to take in more air.

II. During inhalation, ribs move up and outwards and diaphragm moves down.


Only I

Only II

Neither I nor II

Both I and II

Correct Answer:

Both I and II


The correct answer is Option (4) -Both I and II

Both statements ☀ Both I and II are correct regarding respiration.

Let's break it down:

  • I. Regular traditional breathing exercise (pranayama) can increase the capacity of lungs to take in more air.

This statement holds true. Pranayama involves specific breathing patterns and techniques that can strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve lung elasticity. Over time, this can lead to an increased lung capacity, allowing you to take in more air with each breath.

  • II. During inhalation, ribs move up and outwards and diaphragm moves down.

This statement is also accurate. When you inhale, your diaphragm contracts and flattens, enlarging the chest cavity. At the same time, the intercostal muscles between your ribs contract, lifting the ribs up and outwards. This combined action creates more space in your lungs for air to enter.

Therefore, both regular breathing exercises and the mechanics of inhalation contribute to healthy respiration.