Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


What is the role of the repair boss who works under the production incharge in functional foremanship technique?


To ensure timely and accurate completion of job

To keep machines and tools etc ready for operation by workers

To ensure proper working condition of machines and tools

To check quality of work

Correct Answer:

To ensure proper working condition of machines and tools

Under the factory manager there was a planning incharge and a production incharge. Under planning incharge four personnel namely instruction card clerk, route clerk, time and cost clerk and a disciplinarian worked. These four personnel would draft instructions for the workers, specify the route of production, prepare time and cost sheet and ensure discipline respectively. Under Production incharge, personnel who would work were speed boss, gang boss, repair boss, and inspector. These respectively were responsible for timely and accurate completion of job, keeping machines and tools etc., ready for operation by workers, ensure proper working condition of machines and tools and check the quality of work. Functional foremanship is an extension of the principle of division of work and specialisation to the shop floor.