Practicing Success

Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Modern Indian Art


Among the following who is the founder member of the "Cholamandal" artist's community?


D. P. Roy Chowdhury

K.C.S. Panikar

Dhanraj Bhagat

K. G. Subramanyan

Correct Answer:

K.C.S. Panikar


The correct answer is Option 2- K.C.S. Panikar

K. C. S. Paniker, in South India, established Cholamandalam, an artist village near Madras.

Abstraction was important for many sculptors like Piloo Pochkhanawala and printmakers like Krishna Reddy. For them, the use of material was as important as the new shapes they were creating. Whether in painting, printmaking or sculpture, abstraction had a wide appeal for many artists across the 1960s and 1970s. In South India, K. C. S. Paniker, who later went on to establish Cholamandalam, an artist village near Madras, was a pioneer in abstraction. In fact, he showed by imbibing artistic motifs from Tamil and Sanskrit scripts, floor decorations and rural crafts that abstraction has a long history in India.