Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Identify the cause that have made public Sector Undertakings to realise that in order to survive and grow, they will have to be more efficient and generate their own resources for the purpose.


Market  Orientation

Loss of budgetary support to the public sector

Necessity for Change

Increasing Competition

Correct Answer:

Loss of budgetary support to the public sector


The correct answer is option (2) : Loss of budgetary support to the public sector

The cause that has made public Sector Undertakings realize that they need to be more efficient and generate their own resources to survive and grow is:

(2) Loss of budgetary support to the public sector

• As budgetary support from the government decreases, public sector undertakings are compelled to become more self-reliant, efficient, and resource-generating to sustain their operations and growth.