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Business Studies




Identify the true statement out of the below given statements.


Trade mark is a registered brand

Trademark is an un-registered brand

Brand and trade mark are same

Brand is an owned trademark

Correct Answer:

Trade mark is a registered brand


The true statement is:Option 1: Trade mark is a registered brand

A brand or part of a brand that is given legal protection is called trademark. The protection is given against its use by other firms. Thus the firm, which got its brand registered, gets the exclusive right for its use. In that case, no other firm can use such name or mark in the country. Though branding adds to the cost e.g., to the cost of packaging, labelling, legal protection, and promotion, it provides several advantages to the sellers as well as the consumers.

Option 2 is incorrect:

  • A trademark can exist without being registered. However, a registered trademark offers stronger legal protection.

Option 3 is incorrect:

  • A brand is a broader concept that encompasses the overall image and reputation of a product or service. It can include the trademark, but also other elements like marketing, customer experience, and brand values.

Option 4 is incorrect:

  • Not all brands are trademarks. A brand can include elements that cannot be trademarked, such as slogans or colors used in a generic way.