Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Mass Media and Communication


Which of the following statement (s) is/are NOT correct about radio as a means of mass communication in India?


At the time of independence there were only 6 radio stations located in the major cities catering primarily to an urban audience.

By 1950 there were 5,46,200 radio licences all over India.

Vividh Bharti Channel was started by All India Radio primarily broadcasting Hindi film songs on listeners’ request.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

Vividh Bharti Channel was started by All India Radio primarily broadcasting Hindi film songs on listeners’ request.


At the time of independence there were only 6 radio stations located in the major cities catering primarily to an urban audience. By 1950 there were 5,46,200 radio licences all over India. Apart from All India Radio (AIR) broadcasts news, there was Vividh Bharati, a channel for entertainment that was primarily broadcasting Hindi film songs on listeners’ request. In 1957 AIR acquired the hugely popular channel Vividh Bharati, which soon began to carry sponsored programmes and advertisements and grew to become a money-spinning channel for AIR