Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary Centres of power


Match the following options in List 1 correctly with those in List 2:

List 1

List 2

(a)The First Election to the European Parliament was held

(i) 1979

(b) Schengen Agreement

(ii) 2002

(c) The Treaty of Maastricht was signed

(iii) 1992

(d) Euro currency was introduced

(iv) 1985

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


(a)-(iv) (b)-(i) (c)-(ii) (d)-(iii)

(a)-(iii) (b)-(i) (c)-(iv) (d)- (ii)

(a)-(ii) (b)-(i) (c)-(iii) (d)-(iv)

(a)-(i) (b)- (iv) (c)-(iii) (d)- (ii)

Correct Answer:

(a)-(i) (b)- (iv) (c)-(iii) (d)- (ii)


The correct answer is Option 4 - (a)-(i) (b)- (iv) (c)-(iii) (d)- (ii)

The correct match is:

List 1

List 2

(a) The First Election to the European Parliament was held

(i) 1979

(b) The Schengen Agreement

(iv) 1985

(c) The Treaty of Maastricht was signed

(iii) 1992

(d) Euro currency was introduced

(ii) 2002


1979 June: First direct elections to the European Parliament.
1985 June: The Schengen Agreement abolishes border controls among the EEC members.
1992 February 7: The Treaty of Maastricht was signed establishing the European Union (EU).
2002 January: Euro, the new currency, was introduced in the 12 EU members.