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Target Exam



Business Studies




Which of the following is NOT an "Importance of Controlling":-


Accomplishment of Organizational Goals

Judging Accuracy of Standards

Decreases Employee Motivation

Ensuring Order and Discipline

Correct Answer:

Decreases Employee Motivation


The correct answer is option (3) : Decreases Employee Motivation

Ensuring order and discipline: Controlling creates an atmosphere of order and discipline in the organisation. It helps to minimise dishonest behaviour on the part of the employees by keeping a close check on their activitie

Accomplishing organisational goals: The controlling function measures progress towards the organisational goals and brings to light the deviations, if any, and indicates corrective action. It, thus, guides the organisation and keeps it on the right track so that organisational goals might be achieved.

Judging accuracy of standards: A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set are accurate and objective. An efficient control system keeps a careful check on the changes taking place in the organisation and in the environment and helps to review and revise the standards in light of such changes