Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Planning and development in Indian Context


Match the following options correctly:

List 1

List 2

(a) Tundahen

(i) Himachal Pradesh

(b) Harike barrage

(ii) Tributary of Ravi

(c) Tundah

(iii) Punjab

(d) Bharmaur

(iv) Physiographic division of Bharmaur



(a)- ii, (b)- iii, (c)- i, (d)- iv

(a)- ii, (b)- iii, (c)- iv, (d)- i

(a)- iii, (b)- ii, (c)- iv, (d)- i

(a)- i, (b)- ii, (c)- iv, (d)- iii

Correct Answer:

(a)- ii, (b)- iii, (c)- iv, (d)- i


Bharmaur: The river Ravi and its tributaries– the Budhil and the Tundahen, drain this territory and carve out deep gorges. These rivers divide the region into four physiographic divisions called Holi, Khani, Kugti and Tundah areas.

Indira Gandhi Canal, previously known as the Rajasthan Canal, is one of the largest canal systems in India. Conceived by Kanwar Sain in 1948, the canal project was launched on 31 March 1958. The canal originates at Harike barrage in Punjab and runs parallel to the Pakistan border at an average distance of 40 km in the Thar Desert (Marusthali) of Rajasthan.

Bharmaur tribal area comprises Bharmaur and Holi tehsils of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh. It is a notified tribal area since 21 November 1975.